In upper-class neighborhoods, your Sim family apartment will be surrounded by Techs and Socialites. In lower-class neighborhoods, residents of adjoining apartments will be Gearheads and Bohemians. Townies are categorized as Gearheads, Jocks, Socialites, Techs, and Bohemians. To showcase this feature, Electronic Arts introduced a whole new cast of non-playable townies.

Factors that determine class include the size of the lot, the cost of its furniture, and the population density around it. Every lot is now categorized as lower class, middle class, or upper class. Belladonna Cove is very diverse with a trailer park, an industrial area, artists’ lofts, and luxury mansions.“Apartment Life” also introduces the concept of social class to “The Sims 2” games. A new neighborhood called Belladonna Cove shipped with this expansion pack. They can lock their front doors to keep nosy neighbors out. They can die if a Murphy bed comes crashing down on them, leading to a new type of ghost that haunts your town. Simulated characters can now break dance and Woo-Hoo in closets. Magic Sims even have their own neighborhood you can explore with your favorite witch or warlock.“Apartment Life” introduces a host of new objects, skills, and emotional states into the Sim universe. Players can never predict whether the spells their Sims cast will have a positive, negative, or neutral effect. In "Apartment Life," your witch and warlock characters keep their magical reagents in their personal inventories. However, if your Sim builds relationships with a roommate, they can eventually get married, and then you can control both of the characters.This interesting add-on also allows Sims to use spells. Roommates are not considered to be part of a Sim’s household, so players won’t be able to automatically control them.

They can find roommates either by searching for them in newspapers or on their computers or phones. Sims can lower their housing costs by living with roommates in an apartment. With "The Sims 2: Apartment Life," players have the option of controlling multiple households, and up to four families can live in a single apartment building.Sims rent apartments from non-playable characters who come around on a weekly basis to collect the rent and perform necessary maintenance. This gaming pack allows players to create unrelated families who share the same complex and interact with each other. Released in 2008, "Apartment Life" introduces the Sims to the joys and challenges of close living quarters.