- #How to update dying light steam .exe
- #How to update dying light steam windows 8
- #How to update dying light steam download
#How to update dying light steam .exe
exe has now to be selected by yourself (at first start) +Another Runmethod (replaces ShellExecute) - may work now without autostarts =/ fixed the instant-startissue (should be finally done) fixed (new -_-) startupissues (in combination with nologos+noborder) Finally fixed the non-stopstartissue (Big THX to klimenko-la(rus) for his help while fixing!) +Display Versioninfo at Versionscreen (Current:/New:) +Information at first Startup (you have to retick all your options once until next update) +Added the Ability to turn on/off enviroment Shadows +Slight Adjustments / Directoryconfiguration Remove Chromatic Aberration ( "Out-of-Focus"-Objects NOT included, no way yet =/ ) +Added the Info it's recommend to Reset the Settings after Update/NewVersion +Changed an Error wich causes in the inability to disable Aberration +You can add Dying Light Manager to your Steamlibrary by adding the. Fixed an issue that causes not to work correctly +Added Sound (Playbutton and Checkboxes, theres also an option (top left) to disable sound) +Improved Filters: Depth of Field (HUD-Removal added)

+Improved Filters: Blur (More disabled excl. +Improved Filters: Sunlightening (all FX) +Improved Filters: Aberration (disabled now) +Disable Screendrops (Blood, Water, Slime etc) added a missing cvar-list that causes blackscreen if Screendrops are NOT disabled. (Location: Your Documents\DyingLight\out\DyingLight.cfg") +Added a mouseover for each Option so you know what it does and also it tells you about the possible Performancehit and if there are about down/up-sites of using it.Īlso people with the Problem of not saving the Settings should haven't any more Problems now Typofixes (for sure there are new now xD)

If i experience there are a lot of Problems, i'll include the needed Adminrights again. +New Savesystem, no more Adminrights required i changed from Registry to File NOTE: You can only look at the Watch if you have atleast finished the First Airdrop mission wich enables the Day/Nightcyrcle! +Ability to watch your clock +Keybind (Impus) (Not in Savezones, while swimming etc.) +Ability to Change the Shadowmapsize (Read the mouseover for more Informations)
#How to update dying light steam download
+Added the Ability to choose between Download with Ads (Supports me), Download without Ads and no Download.
#How to update dying light steam windows 8
+Added SFX/ReShade Support also working on Windows 8 & 8.1 (圆4bit. +Aberration and Filtering get removed correctly now on Reset These are by far not all Features i wanted to add to 0.10 but i don't have the Time atm. NOTE: The Fullscreenfunction can be still buggy(!) If you experience Bugs with the Settings, try to don't use Fullscreen and use NoBordermode instead (it's the same and recommend!) +Performanceincrease for AMD CPUs/ATI GPUs) +Ability to lower the FoV by 5 points / higher the FoV by 15 points (then possible ingame) +Ability to choose "low" Texturequality (Gamesettings at Manager) +30% lower (compared to lowest Ingamesetting) Viewdistance / 300% higher (compared to highest Ingamesettings) Viewdistance +Abbility to turn off the Floating Particles in the Air NOTE: To work properly you HAVE to Check the "Disable all Blureffects" Box!!! +Chromatic Aberration will now be removed completly (Works without the Need of AA or Blur) Issue that indicated "Disable floating particles"-wrong removed +LensFlare adjusted so it won't look THAT plane as it did after turning it off

EnvShadow bug removed, should work correctly now +Artefacts COULD be fixed now, they are not appearing for me anymore +Blackframe while exhausted should be gone (also Motion-blureffect) Toned down any motion-blur by 10.000% so it's active but shouldn't be noticeable even if enabled +Fixed Motion-blur issue (still appears at specific HP for example) +Added The Motion-Blur Info for the Chromatic Aberration Checkbox